Locomotives Dimensions - MLW M-636
In March 2013, I took detailed measurements of CP M-636 #4723, on static display in Farnham, QC. At the time the unit was heavily deteriorated and vandalized, though still sufficiently intact for measuring; it was scrapped in 2017. The drawings below list all of the measurements I took, with a few minor corrections (+/- 0.25") so some of the totals add up. The measurements I took (listed in black) correlated exactly with nominal dimensions (listed in red).
- The cab and walkway heights (109" and 71.75") were calculated from other measurements; all other dimensions were direct measurements.
- Almost all the dimensions apply to other MLW M-630 and M-636 units, depending on the number of air reservoirs and minor hood differences.
- Compared to the ALCO C-636, much of the hood, cab and frame is the same, but many of the truck, underframe and handrail dimensions are different.
- The handrail stanchion spacing and much of the central hood details are the same on both sides.
- The corner steps extend beyond the pilot face by 3", a distinct feature of MLW Century units and M-liners.
- The underframe has an additional 1.25" plate under the visible bottom of the frame rails, which deepens over the fuel tank.
Photos taken during measurement are here.