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Results: 1-42 of 42

Number ▼ Type DateLocation, RailroadNotes
Large Small - AMT 1311 GMD GP9RM 2004-06-10 Montreal, QC (Lucien-L'Allier Station), AMT
Large Small - AMT 1311 GMD GP9RM 2004-06-10 Montreal, QC (Lucien-L'Allier Station), AMT
Large Small - AMT 1324 EMD F59PHI 2004-06-10 Montreal, QC (Lucien-L'Allier Station), AMT
Large Small - AMT 1327 EMD F59PHI 2004-06-10 Montreal, QC (Lucien-L'Allier Station), AMT
Large Small - CP 762 EMD SD40-2 2004-06-10 St. Constant, QC, CP
Large Small - CP 2816 MLW Class H1b 4-6-4 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QC, CPSteam excursion from Montreal to Exporail
Large Small - CP 2816 MLW Class H1b 4-6-4 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QC, CP
Large Small - CP 2816 MLW Class H1b 4-6-4 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QC, CPfirebox, trailing truck
Large Small - CP 2816 MLW Class H1b 4-6-4 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QC, CPvalve gear
Large Small - CP 2816 MLW Class H1b 4-6-4 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QC, CPdrivers, valve gear
Large Small - CP 2816 MLW Class H1b 4-6-4 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QC, CPSteam excursion from Montreal to Exporail;
stopped at entrance as tender
connection unable to negotiate curve
Large Small - CP 2816 MLW Class H1b 4-6-4 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QC, CPpilot
Large Small - CP 2816 MLW Class H1b 4-6-4 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QC, CPfirebox
Large Small - CP 2816 MLW Class H1b 4-6-4 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QC, CPtender
Large Small - CP 2816 MLW Class H1b 4-6-4 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QC, CP
Large Small - CP 2816 MLW Class H1b 4-6-4 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QC, CPcab
Large Small - CP 2816 MLW Class H1b 4-6-4 2004-06-10 Montreal, QC (Lucien-L'Allier Station), AMTvalve gear
Large Small - CP 2816 MLW Class H1b 4-6-4 2004-06-10 Montreal, QC (Lucien-L'Allier Station), AMTbuilder's plate
Large Small - CP 2816 MLW Class H1b 4-6-4 2004-06-10 Montreal, QC (Lucien-L, AMTSteam excursion from Montreal to Exporail;
after return to Montreal
Large Small - CP 2816 MLW Class H1b 4-6-4 2004-06-10 Montreal, QC (Lucien-L'Allier Station), AMT
Large Small - CP 2816 MLW Class H1b 4-6-4 2004-06-10 Montreal, QC (Lucien-L'Allier Station), AMT
Large Small - CP 2816 MLW Class H1b 4-6-4 2004-06-10 Montreal, QC (Lucien-L'Allier Station), AMT
Large Small - CP 2816 MLW Class H1b 4-6-4 2004-06-10 Montreal, QC (Lucien-L'Allier Station), AMTfirebox, trailing truck
Large Small - CP 2816 MLW Class H1b 4-6-4 2004-06-10 Montreal, QC (Lucien-L'Allier Station), AMT
Large Small - CP 2816 MLW Class H1b 4-6-4 2004-06-10 Montreal, QC (Lucien-L'Allier Station), AMTtender
Large Small - CP 4237 MLW C-424 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QC
Large Small - CP 4237 MLW C-424 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QC
Large Small - CP 4563 MLW M-630 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QC
Large Small - CP 4563 MLW M-630 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QC
Large Small - CP 4563 MLW M-630 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QC
Large Small - CP 4563 MLW M-630 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QCcab interior
Large Small - CP 4563 MLW M-630 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QCcab interior
Large Small - CP 5933 GMD SD40-2 2004-06-10 St. Constant, QC, CP
Large Small - CP 5949 GMD SD40-2 2004-06-10 St. Constant, QC, CP
Large Small - CP 7077 MLW S-2 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QCPrepped for restoration
Large Small - CP 8241 GMD GP9u 2004-06-10 Delson, QC, CP
Large Small - CP 8247 GMD GP9u 2004-06-10 Delson, QC, CP
Large Small - CP 29114 Boxcar, 40' 6", 3715 cu-ft 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QC, CP
Large Small - SLQ 3569 MLW M-420 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QCMeasurements taken of SLQ 3569 are listed here.
Large Small - SLQ 3569 MLW M-420 2004-06-10 Exporail, St. Constant, QC
Large Small - SOO 6042 EMD SD60 2004-06-10 Delson, QC, CP
Large Small - VIA 6453 GMD F40PH-2D 2004-06-10 Montreal, QC (Lucien-L'Allier Station), AMT

Results: 1-42 of 42

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