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Undecorated Drawings - By Type

Selected scales:

Note: If you don't find a locomotive or railcar listed here, check out the old 1:55 drawing pages where I used to list them manually. This page displays and counts the drawings automatically using a database and I haven't yet entered all the 1:55 drawings into the new system.



C-420 (14)
C-424 (12)
C-425 (20)
C-430 (4)
FA-1 (8)
FA-2 (14)
FB-1 (2)
FB-2 (6)
PA-1 (10)
PA-2 (4)
PB-1 (2)
RS-11 (46)
RS-2 (2)
RS-3 (16)
RS-36 (2)
RSC-2 (2)
RSD-12 (10)


F40PH (6)
F59PH (6)
F59PHI (17)
GP15-1 (16)
GP15AC (2)
GP15D (2)
GP15T (2)
GP18 (35)
GP20 (26)
GP20C-ECO (2)
GP20D (2)
GP28 (10)
GP30 (74)
GP30B (6)
GP35 (147)
GP38 (48)
GP38-2 (106)
GP38AC (22)
GP39 (2)
GP39-2 (12)
GP39X (2)
GP40 (67)
GP40-2 (60)
GP40X (16)
GP50 (22)
GP59 (6)
GP60 (16)
GP60B (2)
GP60M (2)
GP7 (2)
GP9 (32)
GP9B (6)
JT42CWR (8)
JT42CWR-T1 (4)
SD24 (6)
SD24B (2)
SD35 (39)
SD38 (6)
SD38-2 (16)
SD39 (6)
SD40 (58)
SD40-2 (151)
SD40A (2)
SD40X (7)
SD45 (65)
SD45-2 (14)
SD45T-2 (12)
SD50 (16)
SD60 (10)
SD60I (4)
SD60M (16)
SD70 (4)
SD70ACe (40)
SD70I (2)
SD70M (16)
SD70M-2 (8)
SD70MAC (30)
SD75I (5)
SDP45 (4)
SW1001 (2)

EMD (Rebuild)

GP10 (48)
GP11 (43)
GP18M (4)
GP26 (4)
GP35R (6)
GP38-3 (32)
GP40-3 (10)
GP8 (10)
GP9 (2)
GP9B (2)
RM-1 (10)


AC4400CW (73)
B23-7 (53)
B30-7 (24)
B30-7A (10)
B32-8 (2)
B36-7 (14)
B39-8 (16)
BQ23-7 (2)
C30-7 (80)
C30-7A (2)
C32-8 (2)
C36-7 (12)
C39-8 (20)
Dash 8-32B (2)
Dash 8-32BWH (2)
Dash 8-40B (10)
Dash 8-40BW (4)
Dash 8-40C (14)
Dash 8-40CW (28)
Dash 8-41CW (4)
Dash 8-44CW (4)
Dash 9-40C (2)
Dash 9-40CW (29)
Dash 9-44CW (46)
Dash 9-44CWL (2)
ES40DC (11)
ES44AC (104)
ES44C4 (18)
ES44DC (27)
ET44AC (20)
ET44C4 (4)
P40DC (2)
P42DC (4)
Super 7-30CMP (2)
U18B (10)
U23B (38)
U23C (4)
U28B (10)
U30B (45)
U30C (25)
U33B (15)
U33C (3)
U36B (14)
U36C (12)

GE (Rebuild)

AC44C4M (2)
AC44C6M (14)
Super 7-23B (10)


F40PH (2)
F40PH-2D (16)
GP30 (2)
GP35 (8)
GP38-2 (4)
GP38-2(W) (10)
GP38AC (2)
GP40 (8)
GP40-2(W) (4)
GP40-2L(W) (8)
GP7 (2)
GP9 (30)
SD40 (22)
SD40-2 (24)
SD40-2(W) (20)
SD40-2F (4)
SD50F (4)
SD60F (2)


C-424 (16)
FPA-4 (4)
FPB-4 (4)
M-420 (18)
M-630 (10)
M-636 (20)
RS-10S (6)
RS-18 (34)
RS-3 (8)
RSC-3 (4)

MLW (Rebuild)

RSC-14 (4)

Rolling Stock & Intermodal


Boxcars (ACF) (14)
Boxcars (FMC, Gunderson) (38)
Boxcars (other builders) (2)
Boxcars (Trentonworks) (10)
Boxcars (Trinity) (26)

Centerbeam flatcars

Centerbeam flatcars (14)

Covered hoppers

Covered hoppers, 2-bay exterior post (6)
Covered hoppers, 2-bay smooth-side (8)
Covered hoppers, 3-bay exterior post (30)
Covered hoppers, pressurized (26)


Gondolas (4)

Tank cars

Tank cars (6)

Well cars

Well cars (NSC) (26)
Well cars (Thrall) (8)