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Painted Drawings - CZLU

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The year under "Paint, date" indicates the date of the reference photo(s) used for the drawing.

1:55 Rolling Stock & Intermodal

Number Type Builder Paint, date Notes Accuracy
CZLU #2011193
20' x 8' 6" corrugated container
Type 22G1
Accuracy legend for 1:55 drawings:
* * * 2007-2008 drawings (mostly accurate)
* * 2005-2007 drawings (generally accurate)
* 2000-2004 drawings (not dimensionally accurate)
CZLU #4005414
40' x 8' 6" corrugated container
Type 42G1
Accuracy legend for 1:55 drawings:
* * * 2007-2008 drawings (mostly accurate)
* * 2005-2007 drawings (generally accurate)
* 2000-2004 drawings (not dimensionally accurate)

See also: