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Scale Train Drawings

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Welcome to the Trainiax drawings page! This is a collection of drawings that I have been working on since late 2000.



With a few rainy days recently I've ended up making a bunch of FMC boxcar drawings. All are based on a common design from the early 1970s (with capacities of 5258, 5283 and 6089 cu-ft) and represent more than 6000 cars, mostly ordered by SP and SSW.

I've also added build dates for freight cars, with precise dates (when I can find them) for specific number series and approximate years for some generic drawings.

Past Updates


Drawing Search

Undecorated Painted

Other drawings

I haven't yet incorporated all the 1:55 drawings into the drawing search pages above. The remaining drawings are still listed on the older 1:55 pages:


Other Pages

Requests and Progress

Site Information

Locomotive Information

About the Drawings


My drawings would not be possible without the extensive contributions from many site viewers sharing photos, diagrams, phase details or corrections, and I am very belatedly publicly sharing my gratitude to those who have helped. (If you've sent me stuff and you're not on the list, please remind me!)

A special thank-you to

Thanks also to

Terms of Use

The drawings are freely available for personal use. For any forms of non-personal use (such as display on other websites) I would ask the following:

Check out the Links page for websites with other drawings, including modified versions of the drawings posted on this site.